Criteria for membership

Membership to the Past Overseers’ Society is by invitation only and the number is limited to one hundred. Should you know of anyone who would wish to join please ask them to complete the Membership Form download here. Please submit the completed form to the Annie Walker the Honorary Clerk who will present this at the next Standing Committee meeting.

The qualification for membership is:

– Persons who have served or who are serving, as Church Wardens of St. Margaret or St John or who have served, or who are serving the United Parishes in Parliament, on the Greater London Authority or the. Council of the City of Westminster or their successor authorities.

– Persons who are or have, been for not less than five. years at the time of their candidature rated occupiers of property in the United Parishes, or within the City of Westminster, Directors or Managers of Companies, or Officers or, Servants of the Crown, whose premises are within the United Parishes or the City of Westminster.

– Any person who is or has been a member of the Council of the City of Westminster or any person who has rendered distinguished service to the said City.

The Company may elect as Honorary Member any person who has rendered conspicuous service in Art or Science or Civil matters or in H. M. Armed Services.