Plinth Box
Inscriptions 2013
Prince George of Cambridge is born on 22nd July
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples ) Bill becomes law
NASA announces that Voyager 1 has entered interstellar space; its launch was recorded by the Society in 1977
Inscriptions 2014
Scotland rejects independence in referendum. The UK remains united
Unrest in Ukraine leads to Russia annexing Crimea and 298 lives lost when a Malaysian airliner is shot down
Ceramic poppies fill the moat of the Tower of London to honour the dead of World War I
Allan Bradley retires after a record of 36 years as a ward councillor on Westminster City Council (1978 – 2014)
Inscriptions 2015
On 9 September 2015, 63 years, seven months and two days after her accession, Queen Elizabeth II becomes our longest-reigning monarch
NASA’s New Horizons space probe orbits and photographs Pluto on 14 July 2015
Thousands of migrants die in mass flight to Europe from war-torn countries in Middle East, Africa and Asia
OPEC forces oil price drop from $115 to $40 per barrel
Inscriptions 2016
A UK referendum results in a vote to leave the European Union
The Great Britain and Northern Ireland team comes second in the international medal table for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro
A newly formed charity, The Friends of the Past Overseers’ Society, awards its first grant to an apprentice in silver hand engraving
Inscriptions 2017
HRH the Duke of Edinburgh retires after 70 years of public service
National outrage over death toll in fire at Kensington apartment block Grenfell Tower
Record strength Caribbean hurricanes wreak havoc and raise climate change fears
Inscriptions 2018
Worldwide reprisals against Russia after fatal nerve agent attack in Salisbury
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries open to acclaim in Westminster Abbey’s triforium
Alastair Cook retires as England’s highest runscorer and James Anderson is fast bowling’s leading wicket taker runscorer and James Anderson is fast
Inscriptions 2019
Supreme Court unanimously overrules Government’s unlawful exercise of Royal Prerogative in proroguing Parliament
World-wide disruption caused by protests for immediate action to tackle climate change
Westminster Abbey celebrates 750th anniversary of rebuilding by Henry III
Political turmoil continues as nation remains divided over European Union withdrawal