Year 1720InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(On the lid) Given by Henry Monck, one of the Overseers of St. Margaret’s Westmr 1713 and Repaired with this Rim by Wm Winsor, Saml Board, Thomas Board, Alexander Gilbert, Thos Novell, and John Newell, Overss . 1720.

Year 1726InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(On the rim) This Rim and Bottom were given by Roger Jackson, James Gibb, John Stagg, Robt Blanch, Ceo Horner, John Dickinson, Overseers of St Margts Westminster MDCCXXVI.

Year 1740InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
This ornamt given by Juo Napier, The Jones, The Jennings, W Hodgson, Wm Willcox, Jno Rogers, Overseers of St Margs, St Jno Westm. 1740
This added 1765 Jas Hindes, Thos Monk, Thos Fisher, Jno Whitehead, Willm Gibrard, Saml Card, Thos Gayfere. C Wardens Overseers
(In the centre of the lid) This Box to be delivered to every succeeding sett of Overseers on penalty of 5 Guineas.

Year 1746InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(Inside the lid Engraving of a bust of the Duke of Cumberland with trophies)
In Commemoration of His Royal Highness William Duke of Cumberland. Culloden 16th April 1746. Rebellion Crush’d. Given by Ralph Manning, Henry Cheers, Church Wardens, Jno Baker, Abra Price, Thos Gould, Saml Grange, Mattw Torane & Thos Street, Overseers of the City of Westmr 1746

Year 1748InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(On the bottom of the box and engraving of Charity) Westr .
This Ornament and Emblem of Charity was given by John Stagg, John Partridge, Church Wardens, Thomas Lloyd, Simon Stephenson and William Randall (3 or the 4) Overseers of St Margaret’s. John Smallwell, Charles Cross, Church Wardens, & John Qusinton, Overseer of St John the Evangelist NDCCXLIII (and on the engraving with the above) Charity. Render as received
(The Tobacco stopper) The Gift of Mr John Ancett

Year 1749InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(on the lid; an engraving of the fireworks in St James’s Park on the occasion of the Peace of Aix ls Chapelle)
Step. MacLeary. Thos Borwick. Step. Hoare. Jno Wood. John Waterman. Edd Hill. Overseers of ye Poor of St Marg’s & St John’s Westminster. 1749

Year 1768InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(inside bottom portrait of) John Wilkes Esqr Church Warden of St Margaret’s Westmr A.D. 1759. Given by Chas Smith, Ceo Byfield Oversrs 1767. Richd. Godfree. Jos. Ashmore. Morris Marseult. Oversrs 1768

Year 1771InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
Repaired with this rim by Edward Glanvill. Thomas Hudson and Thomas Greenway. Overseers. Anne Domini 1771

Year 1773InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
David Watson, Thomas Clark and William Ginger, Overseers, Anne Domini 1773, Added this Rim

Year 1776 -1779InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
This Box and Case to be delivered to every succeeding set of Overseers on penalty of twenty guineas.
1776. William Freestoire. Thomas Bray. Charles Clarke. Overseers. Anno Domini 1776, added these rims and repaireto perpetuateVidler. Overseers. Anno Domini 1779

Year 1777InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(outside bottom) Robt Coulson. W. Davis. Robt Abington. Overseers 1777

Year 1779InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(inside the lid, an engraving of the Engagement between the English and French Fleets of Ushant on the 12th July 1778; the former commanded by Admiral Kappel, the latter by Count D’Orvilliers; and the Court-Martial held at the instance of Sir Hugh Palliserm the Rear-Admiral, on the conduct of Admiral Keppel in that action by which he was most honourably acquitted)
Thomas Girdler, Thomas Clark, Church Wardens. John William Senr Thos Gayfere,
Church Wardens. John Pilkington, Christr Hawks, Overseers of St Margaret’s. John Williams,
Overseer of St John’s.
The Plate added in Commemoration of the Honourable acquittal of Admiral Keppel February ye 11. 1779
(around the body of the case if a succession of bands)