Year 1782InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
John White. George Kier. Johnson West. Overseers Anne Domini 1782 added this rim

Year 1783InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(on the top, and engraving of the Governors and Directors of the Poor, assembled in the Board Room, administering relief).
This Plate and the new Case to Contain the Original Box & Case were given by Thomas Bray & Thomas Witchin, Church Wardens of St Margaret’s. Joseph Smith. Daniel Gwynne & John Gaunt, Overseers of St Margaret & of St John the Evangelist Westr who also repaired the Box & Case.
The original Box & Case to be delivered to every succeeding set of Overseers on Penalty of 50 Guineas. 1783

Year 1784InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(around the body of the case are three rims)
Thos Hitchin. James Toplis. Morris Marsault. George Graves. Church Wardens of St Margaret’s and St John’s Westminster. James Amys. Thos Snow. John Mitchell.
Overseers of St Margaret’s and St John’s.
Added this Rim and repaired Box and Cases Anno Domini 1784

Year 1785InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
James Toplis. John Cartwright. George Graves, Morris Marsault.
Church Wardens of St Margaret’s and St John the Evangelist Westmr ,
Wm Gilbert. Thos Hunt. Jno Ansell. Overseers of St Margaret’s and St John’s.
Repaired Box and Case Anne Domini 1786

Year 1786InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
John Cartwright. George Kier. Morris Marsault. John Marquand.
Church Wardens of St Margaret’s and St John the Evangelist’s Westmr . Robert Askay. George White. Thomas Dickenson.
Overseers of St Margaret’s and St John’s Added this Rim Anno Domini 1786

Year 1786InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
John Cartwright. George Kier. Morris Marsault. John Marquand.
Church Wardens of St Margaret’s and St John the Evangelist’s Westmr . Robert Askay. George White. Thomas Dickenson.
Overseers of St Margaret’s and St John’s Added this Rim Anno Domini 1786

Year 1787InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(outside bottom)
George Kier. James Amys. Churchwardens of t Margaret’s. Charles Clarke. William avis.
Churchwardens 1787 of St John’s the Evangelist. John Harrison. John Cowie. John Morris. Overseers of St Margaret’s and St Jon’s Westmr . Added this Rim

Year 1788InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(also outside bottom. A gold medallion of the head of King George III set in a silver plate)
His Majesty’s Health restor’d celebrated by a general Illumination March 10th 1789. This plate added by James Abbot. John Minnitt. Samuel Darling. Overseers of St Margts & St John’s Westr 1788

Year 1789InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(inside bottom. An engraving of St John the Evangelist the West end and tower of St Margaret’s Church)
James Loton. Charles Snow. Church Wardens of St Margaret’s. John Groves. Robert Clarke (churchwardens) of St John’s. Robert Mann. Jno Abington. Chas Inderwick. Added this Plate 1789.

Year 1790InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(inside top. The Alter piece of St Margaret’s Church, representing the Suppper at Emmaus, in basso relieve, by Alkins, from a painting by Titian)
Mr Charles Snow Senr . Mr Thomas Green. Overseers of St Margaret & St John’s. Added this Plate 1790.

Year 1790InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(inside top. The Alter piece of St Margaret’s Church, representing the Suppper at Emmaus, in basso relieve, by Alkins, from a painting by Titian)
Mr Charles Snow Senr . Mr Thomas Green. Overseers of St Margaret & St John’s. Added this Plate 1790.

Year 1792InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(inside the fly lid) Overseers who subscribed to the Tobacco Box repairs AC and who served in the following years, 1792 Wm Rock. Alexr Taylor. 1793 Richd Wilford. Saml Collins. Thos Jackson. 1794 Charles Hardment. Henry Nash. 1795 Robert Hooker. Chas Mills. 1796 Wm Stent. Not Overseers but Members & Subscribers; Messrs Cosser, Fox, Cartwright & Churchill.
(and in the centre of the above plate)
To record a Transaction that happened in the year 1793 namely the detention of this Box by Mr Reed one of the Overseers because the Vestry refused to pass his Irregular Acct and likewise the recovery of it in the year 1796, this ase, plate and Inscription was added at the expense of the Society not only to perpetuate the Fact by briefly to transmit to their Successors that after having been baffled at common Law by Trick & Subtlety and much Imposition they were forced into Chancery whose decree gave them a complete Triumph over the Defendants and saddled them with disgrace and expenses to the amount of near Three Hundred Pounds.

Year 1793InscriptionsSenior CustodianJunior CustodianMayor
(outside of fly lip and engraving of the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln’s Inn Hall in 1793).
The Lord Chancellor’s Decree “Restore the Box to the Past Overseers Society”