Year 1811 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| John Randall. William Brasier. James Firth. Overseers of Saint Margaret and Saint John the Evangelist, Westminster, added this rim 1811. | | | |
Year 1812 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (a rim) George Dawes. William Annandale. John Eversfield. Overseers of St Margaret and Saint John 1812-13. The Right Honble Spencer Perceval Assassinated 11th May 1812 | | | |
Year 1813 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (embossed portrait of Wellington, with trophies) | | | |
| A Tribute of Gratitude for the Glorious Services rendered his Country by Field Marshall Marquis Wellington, 1813. | | | |
| The Plate is given to celebrate the duration of this Box One Hundred Years, by Elisha Gadd, Thos Cullan & Geor Henry Malme, Overseers. | | | |
Year 1814 - 1815 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (engraving. A dove of Peace over Europe). | | | |
| The Grand Alliance England-Russia-Austria-Prussia-Sweden. The Allies entered Paris 31st March 1814. Buonaparte dethroned 5th April 1814. | | | |
| Peace with France signed 2nd June 1814. | | | |
| Peace with America signed 24th December 1814. | | | |
| The Sovereigns of Russia and Prussia entered London on a visit to the Prince Regent 6 June 1814. | | | |
| To commemorate the Deliverance of Europe from the tyrannical Yoke of the Corsican Userper, the Restoration of the family of the Bourbon, to the throne of their Ancestors and the accomplishment of Universal Peace by the disinterested Perseverance of Britain, the Wisdom of their Counsils and the valour of her sons under the Guidance and Protection of the Supreme Disposer of Events, this Plate was added by Thomas Stone, James Western, Overseers of the Parish of St Margaret. George Henry Malme Overseer of the Parish of St John the Evangelist. 1814-15. | | | |
Year 1815-1816 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (an engraving of the Battle of Waterloo) | | | |
| This Plate commemorates the Glorious Victory, achieved on the 18th June 1815, near the Village of Waterloo by the British Army under the command of Field Marshall his Grace the Duke of Wellington who with the united air of Prussia and Holland, completed the downfall of the odious tyrant Bonaparte and the destruction of that military system of terror and devastation which had under him been the scourge of Europe, the disgrace of France and the abhorrence of mankind, thereby securing under Providence, the Blessings of Peace and Civilised Order to a long suffering World, and reflecting Immortal Honour on the Wisdom and Valour of the British Nation. This Plate was added by Charles B Pepper and John Simpson, Overseers of the Poor of Saint Margaret and St John the Evangelist Westmr . 1815 & 1816. | | | |
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Year 1816 - 1817 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (engraving of the Bombardment of Algiers) | | | |
| The Bombardment 7 capture of Algiers by Adml Lord Vist Exmouth G.C.B. Augt 27 1816. John Shaw, John Varley & John Johnson, Overseers of St Margaret & St John. 1816-17. | | | |
Year 1818 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (portrait of Queen Charlotte) | | | |
| 1819. Joseph Wandley, Robert Chadwick and Gabriel Riddle, Overseers of the Poor of the United Parishes of Saint Margaret and Saint John the Evangelist, Westminster. | | | |
| Have affixed this Plate as a testimonial of respect and veneration to the memory of our late much loved Queen Charlotte of Great Britain and Consort of His most Gracious Majesty King George the Third. Obit 17th Novr 1818 Aetat 74 | | | |
| Shakespeare I saw a blessed troop of Spirits Invite me to a Banquet, whose bright Faces Cast Thousand beams upon me like the Sun And promised eternal happiness | | | |
Year 1819 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (portrait of Queen Charlotte) 1819. Joseph Wandley, Robert Chadwick and Gabriel Riddle, Overseers of the Poor of the United Parishes of Saint Margaret and Saint John the Evangelist, Westminster. | | | |
| Have affixed this Plate as a testimonial of respect and veneration to the memory of our late much loved Queen Charlotte of Great Britain and Consort of His most Gracious Majesty King George the Third. Obit 17th Novr 1818 Aetat 74 | | | |
| | I saw a blessed troop of Spirits Invite me to a Banquet, whose bright Faces Cast Thousand beams upon me like the Sun And promised eternal happiness | | |
| | Shakespeare | | |
Year 1820 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (engraving of a sepulchral monument) | | | |
| To the Memory of Edward Duke of Kent. Nat. 2nd Novr 1767. Obt 23rd Jan. 1820 Ast 53 years. George III Rex. Nat. 4th June 1738. Obt 29th Jan 1820 Ast 82. Reg 60 yrs Charles Schaw Henderson. James Archer Goodwin. William Hayward. Overseers of St Margaret and St John the Evangelist. Added this Plate 1820. | | | |
Year 1821 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (an embossed representation of the Coronation of King George IV) W. Forty. Asserati Hichre. Overseers. | | | |
Year 1822 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (engraving of George IVs visit to Scotland) August 15th 1822. In Commemoration of His Majestys Visit to Scotland. A. Asserati. G. T. Thatcher. A. Michie. Overseers | | | |