Year 1840 - 1841 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1840 and 1841. This Plate added by the Overseers. | | | |
| The Princess Royal of England Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa Daughter of Her most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria and H.R.H. Prince Albert. Born 21st November 1840. And Baptised at Buckingham Palace, 10th February 1841. Being the Anniversary of the Royal Marriage. St Margarets Church Wardens. John Lettsom Elliot. William White. Overseers. William King. George Dethridge. St Johns Church Wardens. Samuel John Noble. Taverner John Miller. Overseers. Benjamin Hudson. George Tucker. | | | |
Year 1841 -1842 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1841.1842. St Margaret. St John. Churchwardens. William White. James Pike. Taveraner John Miller. James Howell. Overseers. George Dethridge. Francis Barrey. Andrew Matlock. Godfree William Ginger. October 30: 1841. The Armory in the Tower of London, accidentally destroyed by Fire. November 9: 1841. Her Majesty Queen Victoria gave Birth to a Son Heir to the British Throne, who was created Prince of Wales and on January 25. 1842 Christened. His Majesty the King of Prussia attended the Ceremony as Sponsor. January 17. 1842. H.R.H. Prince Albert, Consort of our beloved Queen laid the First Stone of the New Royal Exchange on the Site of the Former Building destroyed by Fire. | | | |
Year 1842 - 1843 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| This Plate was added by the Overseers for the Year ending Lady Day, 1843. | | | |
| Queen Victoria and H.R.H. Prince Albert, visited Scotland, Embarking at Woolwich, 29th Augt 1842. Debarking at Granton Pier, they remained in Scotland 15 Days and returned on the 17th Septr by the same route. | | | |
| War was gloriously terminated in India by the Victories in Afghanistan. In China the Successes of Her Majestys Forces, Compelled The Emperor of China to Ratify a Treaty of Peace with England Code the Island of Hongkong 21,000,000 Dollars and the exclusive privilege of Trading to 5 Chinese Ports: thus leaving England at peace with all the World. St. Margarets. Church wardens. James Pike. William King. Overseers. Samuel Sparrow Wallis. Issiah Cox. St. Johns. Church Wardens. James Howell. Thomas Wright. Overseers. Adam Dick. George Theophilus Trickett | | | |
[table “194” not found /]
Year 1844 -1845 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| Overseers, 1844 & 1845. St Margaret. William Puncher. William Chibnall. St John. William Richd Gritten. Joseph Bennett.
Her Majesty Queen Victoria received Visits from three of the reigning Sovereigns of Europe, viz. June 1, Nicholas Emperor of Russia. Frederic King of Saxony Octr 8, Louis Phillipe King of the French.
Augt 6, Prince Alfred Ernest Albert Born. Octr 28, The Royal Exchange opened by Her Majesty in person accompanied by her Royal Consort Prince Albert, the Ministers of State, Sc. Sc. Church Wardens, Mr. William Bent. Mr Edward Milns. Mr Robert Stafford. Mr Samuel Hemmings. | | | |
Year 1845 - 1846 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| Alderman J.Johnson, one of the Governors of the Poor of St Johns And Past Overseer 7 Churchwarden, elected Lord Mayor of London. | | | |
| £11,000,000 Railway Deposits, Paid into the Accountant Generals Office. | | | |
| This Plate added by the Overseers. 1845.6. St Margarets Willm H.P. Rowe. St Johns Thos Eversfield. Willm Wooley. Church Wardens Edwd Milns. Wm Puncher. Saml Hemmings. Josh Bennett. | | | |
| Sir R. Peel Carried his Motion for the Repeal of the Custom & Corn Laws, by a Majority of 97. | | | |
Year 1846 - 1847 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1846-7. This Plate added by the Overseers of the united Parishes of St Margaret and St John. James D Garrad. William Close. William Woolley. John Downey. S Margarets Church repaired at a Cost of £1557.4s.1½d Collected from the Ratepayers of the United Parishes by a Threepenny Rate James Howell, Architect. Scarcity of Provisions throughout Europe, amounting to a famine in Ireland through the Failure of the Potato Crop. Eight Millions of Money voted by Government for the Relief of that Country. Churchwardens St Margarets William Puncher Henry H. Sugg St Johns Joseph Bennett William R. Critten | | | |
Year 1847 -1848 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1847-48 This Plate added by the Overseers of the United Parishes of St Margaret & St John William Darke James Wilson John Downey Henry Castle During their Year of Office The first stone of St Stephens Church laid by Miss Burdett Coutts who gave upwards of £30,000 to build & endow this Sacred edifice & the schools attached. Revd William Tennant. Incumbent. New House of Lords opened. Dr Howley Archbishop of Canterbury Died. Revolution in France. Louis Philippe Abdicated. Her Majesty gave birth to a Princess her 6th Child. Mr. James Rogers having found and presented to the Past Overseers Society a Book containing the proceedings of the society from 100 Years Back he was elected an Honorary Member. A Handsome Testimonial of Plate presented to William Burridge Esquire for his services to the Parishes. Churchwardens, Henry H Sugg, Willm Wichall Thomas Eversfield William Woolley | | | |
Year 1849 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1848.9. This Plate added by the Overseeers of the United Parishes f St Margaret & St John. William Darke. James Wilson. (their second year) Edward Grove. William Stamp. During Their Year of Office Alarming Chartist Riots took place in London 7 Westminster, which were put down, mainly, by the spontaneous enrolment and active exertions of Special Constables, 3752 of whom were sworn in within these Parishes. Alderman John Johnson Died. He was a highly respected Member of this Club, and had recently, most efficiently filled the dignified Office of Lord Mayor of London. Louis Napoleon was elected the first President of the French Republic. William Withall. Joseph Hannah. Thomas Eversfield. William Woolley. Churchwardens | | | |
Year 1849 - 1850 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1849-50. This Plate added by the Overseers of the united Parishes. | | | |
| St Margaret. James Wilson Third Year. William Stephenson St John William Henry Hattersley John Morris. | | | |
| June to October 14,500 persons died of Cholera in the Metropolis and environs out of a Population of 1,948,369. | | | |
| 21 July All Saints Church Knightsbridge consecrated. Nov. the Revd. H.H. Milman appointed Dean of St. Pauls. | | | |
| 8 The Foundation Stone of St. Matthews Church, Great Peter Street, laid by Lord Robert Grosvenor M.P. also on the same day that of the Holy Trinity, Besborough Gardens by Messrs. W.H.E. Bentinck. 2 . Decr Adelaide the Queen Consort of William 4th Died. 15. The Revd W. Cureon instituted to the Rectory of St. Margaret. New Years day 1850 St. Marys Schools opened. Churchwardens Joseph Hannah. Richard Heath. William Woolley. John Downey. John Foot vice Woolley deceased. | | | |
Year 1850 - 1851 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1850-51 This Plate added by the Overseers of the United Parishes St Margaret. William Stephenson. Edgar Horne. St John. William Henry Hattersley. John Norris. | | | |
| 1850 May 9. The Boundaries of the Parishes surveyed. June 24. St. Stephens Church consecrated built and endowed at the sole cost of Miss Burdett Coutts. | | | |
| July 2. Sir Robert Peel died from a fall from his horse. August 28. A Submarine Telegraphic communication formed between Dover and Callais. | | | |
| The Building for the Great Exhibition completed in Hyde Park from Mr. Paxtons designs. Churchwardens Richard Heath. William Whateley Q.C. John Downey. Henry Coode. | | | |
Year 1851 - 1852 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1851-2. This Plate added by the Overseers of the United Parishes St Margarets Edgar Horne. James Bigg. | | | |
| St Johns Robert Boyd. William Urry. | | | |
| The Great Exhibition of Works of Industry from All Nations, was Opened by Her Majesty May 1st. and Closed Oct 11th 1851. | | | |
| It was visited by 6,063,986 Persons. (110,000 being admitted on one Day) and the Total Receipts were £505,107.5.7. | | | |
| The Purchase of the Workhouse completed by the Westmr Improvement Commissioners. June 26th 1851. Victoria Street, opened August 1st 1851. | | | |
| The New State Entrance to the House of Lords first used by Her Majesty February 3rd 1852. St Margarets W. Whateley Esq. Q.C. H.J. Maude Esq. St Johns Lieut Henry Coude, R.N. F.S.W. Sheppard Esq. Church Wardens | | | |
Year 1913 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| The Rev W H Carnegie appointed Rector of St Margarets and Canon of Westminster.
| Percy Gates LCC | Sir H Craik KCB, MP | H Lyon Thompson |
| The Balkan Peace Delegates entertained by the Mayor of Westminster on the 21st December 1912 and 3rd June 1913. | | | |
| Monsieur Poincarè, the President of the French Republic, visited the King. | | | |
| The President, Vice President, Syndic and representatives of the Paris Municipal Councils entertained by the Westminster City Council. Inspected the box 26th June. | | | |
| Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey re-inaugurated as the Chapel of the Order of the Bath in the presence of the King and Queen, 24th July. | | | |
| 5,000 London teachers received by the King and Queen at a garden party at Buckingham Palace, 19th July. | | | |
| Foundation stone of the new Australian Commonwealth Buildings in the Strand laid by the King 24th July. | | | |
| The scheme for the removal of Westminster Hospital and the sale of the site sanctioned by Parliament. | | | |
| Completion of Agreement for improving the approach to the Admiralty Arch. | | | |
| The Crystal Palace secured to the nation by public subscription. | | | |
| Mr Robert Bridges appointed Poet Laureate. | | | |
| Mayor H Lyon Thompson 1913/14. | | | |
| St Margaret Rector Canon Carnegie. | | | |
| Church Wardens Sir H Craik KCB, MP. | | | |
| St. John Rector Ven Archdeacon Wilberforce DD. | | | |
| Church Wardens Col T Davies Sewell, Horace E Readlam. | | | |
| Custodians: Percy Gates LCC, Sir H Craik KCB, MP. | | | |
Year 1854 - 1855 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1854-5. This Plate was contributed by the Overseers of St Margaret. George F. Trollope. William Paul Metchin. St John. Henry Step. Ridley. William Bottrill. | | | |
| Siege of Silistria raised by the Russians, 23 June 1854. Bomarsund taken, 16th August 1854. Battle of Alma 20th September 1854. | | | |
| Battle of Balaklava 25th October 1854. Battle of Inkermann 5th November 1854. | | | |
| Royal Patriotic Fund For the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of our Soldiers, Sailors & Marines dying in the present War, amounting to upwards of £958,000 of which the united parishes subscribed £1,330,7s6d. Death of Joseph Hume M.P. Father of the House of Commons February 20th 1855. Death of Nicholas I, Emperor of All the Russias March 2nd 1855. Alexander II proclaimed Emperor of All the Russias, March 3rd 1855 | | | |
Year 1855 - 1856 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1855-6 This Plate was added by the Overseers of St Margaret. Thomas Gabriel Bottomley. Thomas Scudamore. St John. George Hay. Jeb Cook. | | | |
| The Emperor and Empress of the French visited this country April 17th 1855. The Parish Boundaries Perambulated 17th May 1855. A distribution of Crimean Medals in St. James Park by Her Majesty 18th May 1855. Great success of the Allied Fleets in the Sea of Azoff and capture of Kertch 24 May 1855. Her Majesty and Prince Albert visited Paris 18th August 1855. Sir B. Halls Metropolis Local Management Act passed Aug. 14 1855. The Russian Fleet destroyed & Sebastopol taken by the Allies after a defence of 11 months 9th September 1855: | | | |
| Death of Mr. Forty, secretary of this Society upwards of 20 Years 10th October 1855. Alderman Salomans elected Lord Mayor 9th Nov. 1855, being the first Lord Mayor of the Jewish Persuasion. Visit of the King of Sardinia to England 30th Nov. 1855. Destruction by fire of Covent Garden Theatre March 5th 1856. Birth of an Imperial Prince to the French Throne March 16th 1856. Peace signed at Paris between the Western Powers & Russia March 30th 1856. | | | |
Year 1856 - 1857 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1856-7 This Plate was added & the Box relined and repaired by the Overseers of St Margarets & St John. Thomas Scudamore, Thoma Gabriel Bottomley. Jeb Cook Henry Beecher. Church Wardens of St. Margaret. William Painter. Thomas Whitmore. Church Wardens of St. John. John Norris. George Ray. (and in an engraving of the bell) Big Ben. Arrived in the Palace of Westminster Octr 21st 1856 in the 20th Year of the Reign of H.M. Queen Victoria and first sounded on the same day. Designed by E. B. Denison Q.C. First Commissioner of Works Sir Benjamin Hall, Bart M.P. (in small letters below) Bottomley. Delt | | | |
Year 1858 - 1859 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| 1858-9. This Plate added by the Overseers of St Margaret. Thomas John White, William John Todd. St John. James Howell, John King Deakin. | | | |
| 1st Overseer appointed from the Hamlet of Knightsbridge. Birth of First Son of Princess Royal of England and Prince Frederick William of Prussia. | | | |
| Indian Mutiny suppressed. Act of Parliament passed, for abolishing the powers of the East India Company and transferring to the Crown the direct Government of Her Majestys Indian Possessions. | | | |
| Churchwardens of St Margaret William Mann Trollope, Samuel Hughes. St John John Billing, William Urry. | | | |
Year 1859 - 1860 | Inscriptions | Senior Custodian | Junior Custodian | Mayor |
| (the centre of the lid, including the handle see No. 58)
| | | |
| Alexander Wright C.E. and Member of the Metropolitan Board of Works for the Westminster District Died 23rd July 1859. He gained the esteem and confidence both of his professional friends & fellow parishioners by his rare talents and many virtues. | | | |
| Lord Macauley Died 28th December 1859. Robert Stephenson Esq. M.P. Died 12th October 1859. Isambard Kingdom Brunel Esq. Died 15th September 1859. The two Latter were residents of these Parishes. England laments the loss of her great Historian. The World that of the Two Eminent Engineers. | | | |
| Formation of Volunteer Rifle Corps in these Parishes 1859 God Save the Queen. New Westminster Bridge Opened 1st March 1860. | | | |
| Feb. 21st 1860 Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria and H.R.H. The Prince Consort inspected the Box the Overseers having been honoured by Her Majestys commands to bring the same to Buckingham Palace for that purpose. | | | |
| Treaty of Commerce with France. Repeal of the Paper Duty. Tranquillity restored in India. Overseers St. Margaret. William Birch. William Henry Friend. Overseers St. Johns. John King Deakin 2nd Yr. Thomas horn. | | | |