Silver Collection
The small horn box donated by Henry Monck in 1713 was the start of the silver collection. In 1720 the Society commemorated this gift by putting a silver decoration round the lid which was the start of inscriptions and decorations being added to the box. Over the years many other items and silver have been added to the priceless collection. The most recent piece by Lee Simmons was designed and produced in 2020. Below are photographs of this wonderful collection.
A Westminster Treasure
In 1713, Henry Monck, a retiring member, donated a small horn box in which to keep the tobacco. In 1720 the Society commemorated his gift by putting a silver decoration around the lid of the box. Thus, began the custom of adding decorations, inscriptions and engravings to the surface of the box.
When the initial box was filled, they commissioned a case in which to fit it, and proceeded, at their own expense, to cover this with silver. Successive outer cases were commissioned as each filled up, and this custom continued until the completion of the large Victorian case in 1935.
From 1935 onwards the Society commissioned Tudor Rose Dishes, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens.
In 1999 a candlestick and case were designed, the candlestick to contain a thimble donated by the former Speaker of the House of Commons, Lord Weatherill in remembrance of his initial trade as a tailor.
Next, a piece of silver called the Shard was selected by competition. This was filled by 2011.
In 2013, to commemorate the three hundredth anniversary of the original “Monck” tobacco box a new horn tobacco box was gifted by the Horner’s Company and the 2013 inscriptions engraved on the silver case in which the horn box sits. The following year a six-sided silver stand was commissioned on which the new horn box sits and on which the inscriptions for the following six years were adorned.
In 2020 member Lee Simmons designed a new piece.